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  2. Platinum Products
  3. Technological Data

Platinum Products Technological Data

Platinum Products refer to the Pt and Pt alloy devices and equipment used in the glass industry.


When Pt is used in high temperature, it is recommended high purity Al2O3 or ZrO2 as a refractory. In general, Fe2O3, SiO2, and MgO are contained in Al2O3 and ZrO2, and they generate adhesive Pt-alloyed chemicals and low m.p. chemicals if they are reduced.
It must be considered that the structure for the heat expansion and contraction of Pt as well as its adhesive capacity in protecting Pt apparatus from refractory.
Since there are ones to react with Pt under the condition of high temperature or melting gas out of new ceramic which preferred as new material in recent, it must be taken care of it.


There may be reduced and alloyed with Pt when it is exposed to reducing flame that SiO2, Sb2O3, CdO, PbO, and As2O3 which sufficiently contained in Gas. They are Pd, Cd, Sn, Zn, As, Sb, Mg, Si which is to be easily reduced and must be taken care for its hazardous property.
When Glass is melted with using Pt Crucible, it shall be used the one which is to be glassed, beforehand melted, without inserting to crucible as its powder condition. Unless the quality decreasing of Pt is to be faster.
For the case of Glass relatively high containing PbO and CdO of easily reduced, it must be careful for mixing of metallic Fe and Al. Al has strong reducing power, so it reduces most of metallic oxides except Mg, Ca, and Ba. Therefore, it is not recommended to used Al-featured containers and devices in processing Glass materials and cullet which melted in Pt Crucible.
In case of melting Glass containing relatively high bubble of CO2 and steam, it is required to consider the structure of apparatus to make weak the bubble.
Make sure not to be attached other foreign bodies of paints and oil-and-fats to Glass material, Pt apparatus and refractories. Moreover, it must be maintained clean and covering since it may be influenced by dust and mote in operation.


Erosion of Pt due to PbO GLASS
BE AWARE of hydrogen and carbon generation under the circumstances with organic gas and vapor. It may be also take care for the incomplete combustion heating in gas burner and mixing wood particles into the cullet.
Avoid direct contact of hydrogen burner and heavy oil to Pt apparatus.
It is strongly recommended to be an oxide that the circumstance and Glass material for melting.
SiC heating element may be consumed or damaged, which sometimes resulted in falling and accident. Give full attention to treat SiC.

Pt materials

Pickling Solution HCL : H2O = 1:1 Temp. 60~70℃
After acid washing, wash it with running water until HCL is disappeared, and use by well-washing with pure water.If oil and fats are attached, it must be removed clear.

Do not applying hammering and adding hydrogen salt not to be transformed, damaged, or contaminated when removing Glass attached to Pt apparatus. Pt is not corrosive by hydrofluoric acid. Therefore use hydrofluoric acid if Glass would not be removed.DO NOT use for washing Na2CO3. Na2CO3 may be dissolved, and it may also cause reducing Glass and Pt-alloying.

If it is 1200~1300℃ that the Glass melting point before using the Pt apparatus, elevate and maintain its temperature until it is reached to the using temperature. If the temperature is less than 1100℃, treat the heat at 1100℃ and make uniform crystal structure. DO NOT adopting rapid heating and cooling. The structure of Pt will not be changed both by rapid cooling and slow cooling, but rapid cooling may have chance to modify the shpe of container and to cause unexpected result. Moreover, some extents of repetition of heating (expansion) and cooling (contraction) may also cause more growth of crystal and shorter longevity than constant temperature.

Use well polished stainless for welding bar, forging bar (metal strut), hammer, and scissors.