The CI of Heesung Metals represent Heesung on the world stage.
The CI of Heesung Metals represent Heesung on the world stage.
The symbol mark of Heesung, based on the image of sun, reflects the idea of Heesung in the world. The 'H' and 'S' are placed within the circle, which symbolizes the sun and the world.
The two pillars of the 'H' represent a stable foundation, while 'S' symbol symbolizes the broad future of heesung that leaps forward gently yet progressively.
The main color, 'red', displays the passionate and intense image symbolizing the sun, and at the same time. represents Heesung's determination to leap forward into the world.
Color System
Our brand color is a unique color aimed at establishing our corporate image and is applied to our corporate symbol and logos. The brand color is categorized into the main color (Heesung Red/Pantone 270C and Heesung Gray, Pantone 430C) and sub colors (Heesung Gold, Pantone 872C0 and Heesung Silver/ Pantone 877C).